Dwell Well > Location Matters: How Where You Live Impacts Your Wellbeing

Location Matters: How Where You Live Impacts Your Wellbeing

Studies have shown time and time again that the environment and our mental health are linked, meaning that where we spend our time can have a profound effect on our wellbeing. There are several factors that can influence whether a location will have a positive effect on your mental health, from the amenities you have access to, to surrounding nature and community. 

The healthiest cities in the UK

Where you choose to live depends on so many factors. You might choose a particular city for its attractions, for its transport connections or for the price of the properties. But since the pandemic, physical and mental health has been a priority for an increasing number of people. In fact, there’s a large body of research that suggests that exposure to natural environments can help to increase happiness, resilience and even reduce symptoms of PTSD

Around the UK, several major cities have been ranked as some of the healthiest for residents, from Edinburgh and Cambridge to Brighton and Bristol, with their broad range of healthy restaurants, green spaces and access to outdoor pursuits. 

These cities are considered healthy because they offer several factors to contribute towards healthier living, from better air quality and low air pollution, to lower noise levels that reduces stress and encourages better sleep for residents. The strong social connections people have in these cities also helps to improve physical and mental health, helping people to live happier, healthier and even longer lives. 

Whether you’re looking to buy your forever home or you’re investing in a buy-to-let and you want to choose an area that will appeal to health-conscious tenants, these are the ways in which our surrounding environment can impact our physical, mental and emotional health. 

Access to nature

The amount of green space we have access to is directly connected with our mental wellbeing, from the sounds and smells to the colour palette of nature. Being surrounded by too much harsh lighting and loud noises, like you might be exposed to more in cities, can lead to agitation and anxiety. 

In today's fast-paced and digitally connected world, finding solace in nature has become more important than ever.  It has the potential to lower stress, improve our mood and has a restorative effect on the mind. The human connection to the natural world is deeply ingrained in us and numerous studies have shown the positive impact of access to nature on our mental wellbeing. 

Whether it's a walk in the park, a hike in the mountains or simply spending time in a garden, having easy access to undisturbed natural landscapes can be a wonderful way to feel calmer and more at peace.

Amenities that support a healthy lifestyle

The environment in which we live and work is about more than just the property we live in. Amenities that shape our overall wellbeing, be it wellness centres and spas, healthy restaurants or gyms and yoga classes, are designed to promote a healthier way of life and living close to them makes it easier for residents to incorporate them into their regular routine. Even having access to GP surgeries, clinics and holistic therapies is something you may take for granted but can significantly affect your health if you don’t have easy access to them. 

These amenities can have a positive impact on our health and quality of life, reducing stress, providing opportunities for social interaction and ensuring we have that much-needed work-life balance. And with more of us prioritising our health, investing in a property close to great amenities can result in added value if you choose to sell later on. When you’re looking for a property to buy, pay attention to the amenities you have close to you that will improve your overall quality of life or that of your tenants.

Community and social life

We’re social creatures by nature, and our connections with others play a vital role in shaping our mental health and wellbeing. Community and social interactions give us a sense of belonging, support and purpose, so where you choose to live should provide you with access to a community. 

Having a social life and people you can depend on helps our wellbeing in several ways. It reduces stress, improves our overall mood and reduces the risk of loneliness. Research shows that people who have strong social ties have happier and longer lives than those who feel isolated, showing that where you choose to set down roots can impact your health in a significant way.

Sharing a space with people you trust and feel an affinity with creates calm, and provides you with a support system that enables you to feel more confident navigating life’s challenges. Whether it’s friends and family or neighbours and wider community members, a supportive network reduces stress and improves our ability to cope, which in turn is beneficial for our mental and physical health. 

Culture and values

Everyone has their own unique set of experiences and values that influence how they see the world. So, it’s no surprise that it’s something we look for when choosing where to live, to enable us to feel a sense of belonging. The culture we immerse ourselves in plays a key role in our mental and emotional health, and so it stands to reason that when we’re looking for a property in a location we see ourselves settling in, the culture of that area plays a big part in how comfortable we feel. 

The cultural values of a location often shape our sense of purpose and meaning in life, from traditions and rituals to the practices that give us our sense of identity. The culture of a specific area helps us feel like we belong to something bigger and that helps us to feel supported and less alone, which in turn has a positive impact on our mental health. 

A calm atmosphere

When you’re looking for a property to buy or invest in, how busy or calm the area is matters immensely. A calm and peaceful location can offer numerous benefits for our overall well being, from reduced stress levels and fewer distractions to better sleep quality and increased productivity from feeling calmer and more rested. A calm location helps us to feel more focused and that can lead to better decision-making, as well as lower anxiety and depression. 

There are various ways to factor this into your property search, such as choosing a home that’s far from major roads and traffic, that has low crime rates and by considering the noise levels on weekends and in the evenings. Another question to ask is how noisy the neighbours are when you’re viewing a home, or how overlooked a property is. Thinking about how an area scores in terms of noise, crime and distance from busy roads will help you find a peaceful home that supports a calmer lifestyle. 

Where we live, from the building itself to the surrounding neighbourhood, has a huge impact on how we feel in ourselves. From being able to exercise easily and having access to healthy restaurants and fresh food, to having a supportive network around you and access to nature, there’s so much to think about when it comes to choosing a home where you feel settled, comfortable and able to live a healthy lifestyle. 

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